Do you have cavities? Dental fillings in Scottsdale, AZ, are the best choice to restore your tooth and prevent infections. However, since your teeth are already weak, it is important to maintain your dental fillings to ensure your damaged tooth is safe forever. That’s where our experts come in! In this blog, we discuss a few expert tips to take care of your dental fillings.

What Are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are a way to restore your decayed teeth and restore them back to normal. The decay part of your teeth is removed, and the dentist will clean the affected area and seal the hole with a filling material. This will prevent bacteria from further damaging your teeth and prevent infections.

5 Professional Tips And Tricks To Help Your Tooth Fillings Last

One of the most commonly used dental fillings is made of composite resin. These are the highest quality tooth-colored fillings in Scottsdale, AZ, as they look just like natural teeth, which not only restores your teeth but also gives you a beautiful smile. These fillings last for a long time; however, it depends on your dental care habits. The following is everything you need to know about how you can care for a tooth filling.

  • Brush & Floss Regularly

    Brushing and flossing are a must when it comes to caring for your teeth and fillings. Brush twice every day with fluoride toothpaste, and make sure you brush over and around your dental restorations just like the rest of your teeth. Floss once daily, and make sure you include an antiseptic mouthwash in your oral routine. Fillings are durable and are made to prevent cavities; however, poor oral hygiene can reduce the lifespan of your dental fillings.

  • Have A Balanced Diet

    In today’s world, almost everything has some amount of sugar in it. However, you can do your best to avoid sugary foods and drinks. The bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar and create acid, causing decay. Therefore, you need to keep an eye on your eating habits to avoid cavities and protect your fillings.

  • Limit Hard Foods & Avoid Chewing On Solid Objects

    Certain foods are damaging to your teeth, such as hard foods, chewy foods, and sticky foods, to ensure your teeth are safe. Foods like hard candies, ice, and other solid foods can put pressure on your fillings which can make them loose or fall out. Even opening packages with your teeth or chewing on pens or your fingernails can also damage your fillings.

  • Get Regular Dental Checkups And Cleanings

    Even if you have a good oral routine, it is only completed by visiting the dentist regularly. It is recommended you visit the dentist once every six months for regular dental check-ups. During your appointment, the dentist will look at your fillings and make sure it is set correctly. They will also look for any damage or cracks and replace them if necessary.

  • Visit The Dentist In Case Of Any Issues

    If your dental fillings have gaps, cracks, breaks, or falls out, make sure you visit the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ, as soon as possible. This is a dental emergency and needs to be treated right away.

Get The Best Quality Dental Fillings In Scottsdale, AZ

If you have cavities, make sure you visit the best family dentist in Scottsdale to restore your smile and function with dental fillings. Ignoring a cavity can cause a tooth abscess, which can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is best to get dental fillings and take good care of your restoration to ensure your smile lasts for a long time.