If you’re considering replacing a missing tooth, you may wonder whether a dental implant or bridge is the best option. Both implants and bridges can provide a solid and natural-looking replacement for your tooth, but there are some key differences to consider. Before deciding, here’s what you need to know about dental implants vs. bridges.

Implant Vs. Bridges: Which Is Better?

Dental Implant

A titanium post is surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line to create a dental implant. Once in place, the implant fuses with the bone, providing a solid foundation for a replacement tooth. In most cases, an Dental Abutment, a small connector piece, is placed on top of the implant before attaching the replacement tooth.

Dental implants are ideal for people who miss one or more teeth due to an injury, periodontal disease, or periodontal disease. The implants are designed to blend in with your natural teeth. Implants look and feel like your teeth, but they also allow you to eat and drink normally.

If you’re considering dental implants, consult a qualified dentist in Scottsdale to see if they’re right for you.

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that fills a gap left by a missing tooth. The bridge comprises two crowns on the teeth adjacent to the space and a false tooth in the middle. The false tooth is usually made from porcelain or ceramic and is carefully matched to the color of the surrounding teeth.

In addition to improving the appearance of your smile, bridges can also help to improve your biting and chewing function. Bridges are typically used when there are only a few missing teeth; however, in some cases, multiple bridges may be used to close a more significant gap. Bridges can last for many years if maintained properly.

Advantages of Dental Implant

One of the most common tooth replacement alternatives today is dental implants. They offer many benefits over traditional dentures and bridges and can provide a long-lasting solution for people who have lost one or more teeth.

One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is that they allow patients to eat and speak without worry.

Traditional dentures can sometimes slip out of place, making it difficult to eat or speak clearly. Dental implants are securely anchored in the jawbone, so they will not shift or move around in your mouth.

Dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth, so you can smile and laugh confidently.

Finally, dental implants are durable and can last many years with proper care.

Ask your dentist about dental implants if you are considering tooth replacement options.

Advantages of Dental Bridge

A fixed prosthetic called a dental bridge can replace one or more missing teeth.  A bridge is typically composed of two crowns placed over the teeth adjacent to the space, known as abutment teeth, and a false tooth, known as a pontic, in between.

Bridges are usually made from porcelain or ceramic materials that closely match the color of natural teeth.

In addition to restoring the aesthetics of your smile, the treatment of dental bridges in Scottsdale can also help to improve chewing and speaking function.

Bridges can also help in stopping the movement of the remaining teeth.

For all these reasons, dental bridges can be an excellent solution for people who miss one or more teeth.

Contact Dental Implants Office 

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